We found that around 200 screens make up 80% of all digital software. We usually have 40-50 screens on average in a product, and it takes 2-3 screens in a day for any developer to build those screens. We've made a bundle of these screens (Login, user details, Home and menu, etc.) that you can stack like building blocks. So instead of starting from scratch, a bundle from NativeBase Startup+ will cost only around 10% of the amount compared to building those UI screens yourself. There are no limits on what you can make. The combination of ways to put screens together is nearly infinite. You can create your version of Airbnb for Facebook or do something that's never been dreamed of before.

Screenshot 2021-10-07 at 4.53.21 PM.png

<aside> 💡 Buying a bundle from NativeBase Startup+ will cost around 4% of the amount compared to building those screens from scratch. The bigger picture of the overall development will save up to 50% of the entire development cost.
